
What is the difference between Non asbestos calsium silicate board and chrysotile calcium silicate board

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  • Time of issue:2022-09-15 14:35
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(Summary description)Non asbestos calsium silicate board is made of inorganic mineral fibers and other loose short fibers as reinforcement materials, and siliceous calcareous materials as the main material.

What is the difference between Non asbestos calsium silicate board and chrysotile calcium silicate board

(Summary description)Non asbestos calsium silicate board is made of inorganic mineral fibers and other loose short fibers as reinforcement materials, and siliceous calcareous materials as the main material.

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  • Time of issue:2022-09-15 14:35
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Non asbestos calsium silicate board is made of inorganic mineral fibers and other loose short fibers as reinforcement materials, and siliceous calcareous materials as the main material. After pulping, molding, high temperature and high pressure saturated steam treatment, a board known as high temperature qualitative gel is formed. . It has the characteristics of fireproof, waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-corrosion, anti-moth, good durability and long service life. It is a modern ideal decoration and decorative plate.

Non asbestos calsium silicate board
Non asbestos calsium silicate board means that no asbestos fibers and other fibrous substances are added in the production process. As we all know, asbestos mineral products are harmful to human body and are not conducive to use in indoor partition walls and ceilings.
Chrysotile calcium silicate board refers to the addition of asbestos fiber material in the production process, thereby improving the strength and toughness of the board, and is generally used for outdoor use.
The testing standards of Non asbestos calsium silicate board and chrysotile calcium silicate board are different. For example, the testing standard of chrysotile calcium silicate board is .JC/T564.2-2008, while the testing standard of Non asbestos calsium silicate board is JC/T564 .1-2018, the two of them have different testing standards, different uses, and different prices. When choosing to buy, you should pay attention to the testing standards of the manufacturer.



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